DNA sequencing remains the gold standard among methods used to determine the base sequence of a DNA fragment. Thanks to automatic DNA sequencing devices, DNA sequencing method can be routinely applied in various genetic analysis studies by combining the Sanger sequencing approach based on the chain termination approach using fluorescently labeled dideoxy nucleotides with capillary electrophoresis technology.

In the DNA sequencing study, the DNA fragments to be sequenced are reproduced in the PCR reaction with the help of initiating DNA fragments, called primers, specific to the region to be multiplied. The capillaries lying between the anode and cathode poles in the sequencing device, after being filled with polymer, pull the negatively charged purified PCR product DNA sample by electro kinetic method and run it towards the positively charged anode. The light reflected back by the fluorescent dyes stimulated by the light coming from the laser lamp located in a region close to the anode tip of the capillaries is recorded by the detector. The recorded data is evaluated mathematically by the software of the sequencing device and displayed in a graphic. The graphic, called the electropherogram, is constructed. The resulting graph can be further examined by manual means or other software.

Sentromer DNA Teknolojileri has ABI 3500, an automatic DNA sequencing device, which is capable of making the specified procedure.  In addition, it offers Next Generation Sequencing service in cooperation with BaseClear, one of Europe's leading accredited laboratories, and can provide quality service with its strong Bioinformatics infrastructure in large-scale projects.



  • If you would like to submit your own primers for sequencing, please note the following;

  • Using a primer design program (Primer Premier, PrimerPlex, Beacon Designer, Primer3 etc), design a Primer to be 18 - 24 bases long and Tm> = 55 ° C;

  • Solution diluted  to 10 pmol / ul with sterile water and send at least 30 ul;

  • You can have it synthesized by Sentromer DNA Teknolojileri at 25% discount. Please visit the Oligonucleotide Synthesis tab.

DNA (Sanger) Sequencing

DNA sequencing can be used in a wide variety of studies such as determining DNA base changes that cause genetic disorders, finding community-specific gene polymorphisms, detecting microorganisms that cause microbial diseases, and DNA tests for forensic definitions.

STR (Short Tandem Repeat) Analysis

STR, also called parental analysis or Microsatellite analysis, is an identification method based on the number of repeat nucleotides (STR regions) found in the genome varying from individual to individual.


SNP (Short Nucleotide Polymorphism) Analysis

SNP is an analysis method for detecting single nucleotide polymorphism or single base differences in genes. Base differences can cause various genetic disorders from protein regulation to loss of function according to the region where they are located, and can lead to disease formation.